Based on the Conclusion of the Government of the Republic of Serbia dated May 21st, 2020, the project of construction of a bridge - bypass motorway around Novi Sad, with access roads, is recognized as a project of construction and reconstruction of public linear traffic infrastructure, of special importance for the Republic of Serbia
The new bridge across the Danube connects the Boulevard of Europe and the state road IIA-119 on the right bank.
The works started in 2022, and the value of the works amounts to 175.5 million Euros.
The route of the bridge with access ramps begins by joining the Boulevard of Europe, and then its direction crosses over the existing roundabout of the Boulevard of Europe and Boulevard of Patriarch Pavle and the future roundabout with Heroja Pinkija Street. After that, the planned route intersects with the future roundabout with 1300 Kaplara Street, crosses defensive embankment, and then intersects with the planned roundabout at Ribarsko ostrvo (Fishermen’s Island). The total length of the access ramps is 1,760m.
After the arm of the Danube, the main bridge construction in the length of 640 m begins, which ends on the Kamenica side by fitting into a new roundabout with the state road of the IIA order no. 119 and Karađorđeva Street in Sremska Kamenica.
The transverse profile of the main bridge structure consists of two carriageways with two traffic lanes each, including pedestrian and bicycle paths on both sides.
The total length of the bridge with access ramps is 2.4 km.
The bridge will have a significant impact on the relief of traffic flows, by connecting traffic with the Fruška Gora Corridor on the Srem side and via Boulevard of Europe, the E-75 highway, which is a corridor of international importance. With its position and planned connections, the bridge will relieve the most frequent roads in the city of Novi Sad in the most efficient way.